Many journals write the last degree of an author in the affiliation part while so many others not. We have reviewed different styles in publishers and include them here for editors' considerations. To find out the best method of solution, we referred and browsed some of “Nature” journals and “Elsevier” journals since they publish famous and well-known journals. 

Many journals write the last degree of an author in the affiliation part while so many others not. We have reviewed different styles in publishers and include them here for editors' considerations. To find out the best method of solution, we referred and browsed some of “Nature” journals and “Elsevier” journals since they publish famous and well-known journals. Actually, we have found that some of them do not put degrees in the author’s affiliation while others do.

For instance, these journals do not have MD or Ph.D. or etc.:


Most of the journals published by other publishers like ELSEVIER, WILLEY do not put degree. For instance:

  • Based on ICMJE ( ): Some journals publish each author’s highest academic degree(s), while others do not.
  • Based on AMA style that we use: It is not recommended to use academic degrees.
  • And finally: We, as Kowsar, try not to include any degrees in the author's affiliations.

Conflict of Interest:

We, as Kowsar, try not to include any degrees in the author's affiliations.

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